Whiteness & gun culture
Dying of whiteness: why racism is at the heart of America’s gun inaction
The US has had 57 times as many school shootings as the other major industrialized nations combined
Gun culture is a product of white settler colonialism, anti-Blackness and misogyny
Guns and race: the different worlds of Black and white Americans
On racism, gun ownership & gun control
How race permeates the politics of gun control
How racial resentment drives opposition to gun control
For racially biased conservative whites, owning a gun is just part of being a good citizen
Gun violence is a racial justice issue
Does the second amendment protect only white gun owners?
Gun culture has always been about white supremacy
The second amendment has always been a tool of white supremacy
Why are white men stockpiling guns?
Why white Americans love their guns
Using guns to reclaim masculinity
White supremacist extremism takes up arms in the United States
Young white men & mass shootings
A lone-wolf shooter has an online pack
White extremist ideology drives mass shootings
White mass shooters are treated more sympathetically by the media
White men are killing themselves
The highest suicide rate in America
Why older white men are more likely to die of suicide
Backlash to civil rights era made guns a political third rail
The real reason America doesn’t have gun control
How to stop a mass shooting epidemic
Souvenirs from a civilization that kills its children
A culture that kills its children has no future