Urban planning & transportation

‘Our government can’t prevent things that they actually cause’

Tearing down Black America

How to decimate a city

Take this hammer

Racism in urban planning

White men’s roads through Black men’s homes

The racist history of America's interstate highway boom

Interstate highways might be our worst example of systemic racism

How racism shaped interstate highways

Roads to nowhere: how infrastructure built on American inequality

Interstate highways were touted as modern marvels. Racial injustice was part of the plan.

The role of highways in American poverty

How railroads, highways & other manmade lines racially divide America’s cities

How interstate highways gutted communities and reinforced segregation

What does a traffic jam in Atlanta have to do with segregation? Quite a lot.

Urban planning as a tool of white supremacythe other lesson from Minneapolis

The New York highway that racism built

How urban renewal sparked Black Wall Street’s second destruction

Lasting injustices of urban renewal

Gentrification in black and white: the racial impact of public housing demolition in American cities

Gentrifying the city: from racialized neglect to racialized reinvestment

Gentrification explained

What it looks like to reconnect Black communities torn apart by highways

Designing a more equitable future

Right past wrongs of urban renewal

Redressing widespread 20th-century destruction of Black neighborhoods

Removing urban highways can improve neighborhoods blighted by decades of racist policies

Reckoning and repair in US cities