Antiracist parenting while white
Raising race conscious children
The first R: how children learn race and racism
Antiracist parenting while white
Resources for white parents to learn about racism
Your 5-year-old is already racially biased. Here’s what you can do about it.
White supremacists are recruiting white teens & video gamers · watch your white sons
What happened after my 13-year-old son joined the alt-right
How to raise white children who won’t be racist
Raising race-conscious children
What white children need to know about race
Talking to white kids about race & racism
It’s never too early to talk with children about race
Why white parents need to do more than talk to their kids about racism
Tips for talking about race with small children
Not my idea: a book about whiteness
Talking to kids about racism and justice: a book list for parents, caregivers & educators
How to teach kids to talk about taboo topics
The benefits of sending your privileged child to an “underperforming” school