Global white supremacy
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.
—Charles Baudelaire
Ukraine's refugees of color are facing racism
Toward a global history of white supremacy
How Europe underdeveloped Africa
The fight against white supremacy isn’t just an American one
On U.S. aversion to international human rights treaties
The US has always broken its treaties
List of treaties unsigned or unratified by the United States
Why does the US not ratify treaties?
The hypocrisy of American “human rights”
The world is trapped in America’s culture war
Beyond the psychological wage: white dominion
The US military’s global footprint
The root of Haiti’s misery: reparations to enslavers
England / the UK: The British Empire was much worse than you realize
The violent legacy of the British empire
Why I am no longer talking to white people about race
How English banks made money from slavery
Australia: white tears/brown scars: how white feminism betrays women of color
New Zealand & the ‘normalisation’ of white supremacy
Canada: The schools that had cemeteries instead of playgrounds
Why Canada is mourning the deaths of hundreds of children