The mob yelled. Its yell echoed against the skeleton stone walls and sounded like a hundred yells. Like a hundred mobs yelling.
—Jean Toomer,
Blood-Burning Moon
Burning and torture here last but a little while, but if I die with a lie on my soul, I shall be tortured forever. I am innocent.
The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them.
Black female lynchings in the United States
When white people sent postcards of lynchings
Confronting the legacy of racial terror
Witnessing racial violence in America
Call it what it is: anti-Blackness
Racial violence in the United States since 1660
When white men threw African people overboard
Separating families is an American tradition
The American Colonization Society
‘It was like all of us had been raped’
Harriet Jacobs on rape during slavery
The impunity of white male sexual violence against Black women
Sexual violations of enslaved men
The Anti-Abolition riots of 1834
Slavery & the Three-Fifths Compromise
Roger Taney & the Dred Scott decision
Racial violence after the Civil War
The most racist movie ever made
Forty acres and a mule: How the first reparations for slavery ended in betrayal
The story behind 40 acres and a mule · The truth behind it
Juneteenth and a broken promise
Private, public, & vigilante violence in slave societies
Known and unknown horrors: documenting Reconstruction violence
Uncovering racial violence during Jim Crow
Black Wall Street before, during, and after the massacre
91+ times Black churches have been violently attacked
COINTELPRO [Counter Intelligence Program], 1956-1976
Caste: it’s even bigger than racism
Un(re)solved: grappling with America’s legacy of racist killings
How blackface feeds white supremacy
Review of 900 yearbooks finds blatant racism
Louisiana’s Angola: 200 years a prison
The lasting legacy of Parchman Farm
Black inventors whose patents whiteness stole or denied
How a city in fear brutalized the Central Park five
Why the “welfare queen” trope refuses to go away
The Moynihan Report: 50 years of racist poverty-shaming
The lasting legacy of confederate monuments
Trayvon Martin is still making America confront its original sin
What lies behind that ‘no trespass’ sign
Young Black people are killing themselves
The irrationality of anti-Black racism